Thursday 13 May 2021

SSR selfie

 This week I read more of the book anomorphs I read 30 more page so I read 129 pages.

They end up talking about dying but they end up going down to see why people were screaming. 

I like this book because I learnt new words.


  1. Greeting Kahu!

    Great blog post you have written. I really like how you wrote about your book. Do you like reading non-fiction books or fiction books?

    1. Hey Fotu!

      Thanks for commenting on my blog. Interesting question you asked me, I like fiction because of all the pictures. Do you read fiction books?

    2. Ki Ora Kahu!

      Thanks for the positive feedback. Yes I do read fiction books but I’m into non-fiction books because of the facts. Do you like non-fiction books?

    3. Hey Fotu!

      Thanks for replying to my comment. Yes I do like non-fiction books because of all the facts. Thank you for this conversation


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