Friday, 28 May 2021

Walking with ANZAC

This week we did reciprocal reading about World War 1. The roles are Leader, Predictor, Clarifier, Questioner, Summarizer. 

These helped us but Clarifier helped us the most because we found new words we didn't know. They helped me find new main ideas for summarising What We Ate.

I like this activity but Clarifier was my most favourite roll.

Then we did What We lost the one the helped me the most was Questioner because it questioned what we did or how we found that out.

I like this activity but asking questions was tricky.

Thursday, 27 May 2021

The three similair simple machines

Did you know these three similair simple can lift heavy objects they are the screw, the wheel and axle, and the pulley. A screw works by roatating around, a wheel and axle has a stick with wheels, and the pulley lift objects with a metal pully.

Wednesday, 26 May 2021


Step 1: Get a calendar.

Step 2: Look at the day.

Step 3: Circle the day.

Step 4: Look at the calendar month

Step 5: Then you read the date you circled 

Step 6: Then you look at the year e.g: 2021 


This week we did balancing and passing the ball.

First my group and I started with the netball we balanced on one leg and passed the ball from our chest.

I liked doing the netball activity but I couldn't keep my balance for long.

Next my group and I did the rugby ball our partners had to face the same way as us then we passed the ball from our hips. I like this activity but my legs keep getting tired.
Then my group and I did the hockey ball and stick. The person with the ball had to roll it softly on the ground and they had to stop it the ball and hit it softly. We had to stand on one leg and try and balance while doing this. I like this activity but we couldn't use the stick to keep our balance.
After we did the frisby activity were you both look the same way and throw the frisby softly and not far away and hard. It was hard to balance and catch the frisby while it was still flying.
Lastly we did the basketball activity we had to dribble the ball then pass it to our partner on one leg.

I liked doing this but I keep losing my balance because the ball was heavy.


This week I learnt new questions.

The question we learnt where kei te runga means up, and Kei te raro means down.

Wheae Odie asked everyone these questions for the picture on our card or the object in our hand.

I like these questions and I'd like to learn more.

Then we made a poster on 10 kitchen items and we had to lables them in Maori. 

For e.g: stove in maori the is To, and kettle is pata.

I like this activity and I'd like to do questions on a playground next. 

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Cause and effect

Cause means the reason why the effect happened. Effect means something happend or what happened.

Friday, 21 May 2021

The three similair simple machines

There are three similair simple machines that can move objects. They are, the lever, the wedge and the inclined plane.

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

The Maori Pioneer Battalion

This week we did reciprocal reading.

Reciprocal reading means reading a book with a leader.

The roles are Leader, Predictor, Clarifier, Questioner, and Summarising.

Leader tells where you read from, Predictor scan with their eyes and guesses what happens, Clarifir says the words they don't no, Questioner ask questions about why it happend, Summarising say what they read in their own words.

We did a keywords task on words we don't know.

I like this task and my favourite role was Clarifier because I didn't know many words.

Thursday, 13 May 2021

Comment thread

Comment thread is a conversation with someone else. Fotu commented on my blog it was about a book ANIMORPHS.  I asked Fotu if he likes non-fiction or fiction. Comment thread help with our learning so we learn to ask questions when people reply back that also helps us learn more.

Fotu said Great blog post you have written. I really like how you wrote about your book. Do you like reading non-fiction books or fiction books? 

Then I replied and said Thanks for commenting on my blog. Interesting question you asked me, I like fiction because of all the pictures. Do you read fiction books?

Manners | PB4L

Manners are used to respect every one around you.

Manners words are saying please, thank you, you're welcome, may I . Using these words let people know you respect them.

People use manners when you want something or want to do some thing, and yous manners all the time.

Manners are used to respect people and they'll respect you.

SSR selfie

 This week I read more of the book anomorphs I read 30 more page so I read 129 pages.

They end up talking about dying but they end up going down to see why people were screaming. 

I like this book because I learnt new words.

Problem solving

Today we solved time problems.

First my group and I discussed what the questions were.

Then we wrote down the answers on a google doc.

Lastly we discussed our results with Mr Ogilvie and the class.

I thought it was hard to figure out the time because I can't tell the time.

Basic facts boxes

 This week I did multiplication on basic facts boxes.

I got 90 out of 90 answers correct , I finished under 6 minustes and 12 seconds but I think I can do better. 

I like my times tables because it helps me learn my times tables and i'd like to get a faster time.

Simple machine in real life

I found simple machines around the school.

First my group and I found the wheel and axel this is a mode of transport.

Then we found the lever this is used to lift object.

Next we found the screw this is used to hold objects up.

Then we found the inclined plane this is used to move objects.

After we found the pully this is used to lift objects to a high ground

Lastly we found the wedge this moves objects from a low ground to a high ground.

Wednesday, 12 May 2021


All texts have a range of words to share information with the reader.

Keywords unlock unknown information for the reader for example: Shirking, this means to avoid a responsibility.

Keywords can be used to retell information- Power strugle, central powers, allies these can help me retell world war 1.

Keywords can grow our vocabulary and we can use the words, or reminders in other situations.for example: latrine this means toilet but it doesn't flush

Keywords are the most important words to find when reading to gain information.

Balance positions

We did balancing activity in our enviorment.

We took a range of photos to show how we can balance. 

The first photo was of us balancing on a wall.
The next photo was balancing on the playground.
The third photo was balancing with group member on the playground.
The fourth activity was balancing on our group members.
The fifth photo was balancing with the least amount of contact to each other.

It was challinging to balance with the least amount of contact.


This week we learnt diffrenet positions in Maori.

The positions I used were tenei means holding something.

Another position I used was tena mean something close to you.

The last positions I used was tera this means far away.

I like this activity and I'd like to learn new positions.

Tuesday, 11 May 2021


I learnt what an Introduction is.

An explanation explains what I did.

Next we watched a video on how popcorn pops. 

Then we figured out what an introduction is. An introduction is telling the reader what you're writing about.

I liked learning what an introduction is and I'd like to learn what mechanism are used for.

Time Difference

This week I learnt to count time difference in maths means subtract.

First I started by subtracting time the time was 4:05 then I added 4 hours then the time ended up to be 8:05.

Then I added the minutes I added 35 minutes then the time was 8:45. 

I like subtracting time and I'd like to do this activity again.

Friday, 7 May 2021

Comment thread

Comment thread is a conversation with someone else. I commented on Koura-Beau blog it was about the six simple machines. The six simple machines are used to help people work easier. I asked Koura-beau what his favourite simple machine was. Comment thread help with our learning so we learn to ask questions when people reply back that also helps us learn more.

Thursday, 6 May 2021

Basic facts boxes

This week I did division on basic facts boxes.

I got 87 out of 90 answers correct , I finished under 6 minustes and 12 seconds but I think I can do better. Next time im going to do subtraction.

I like my times tables because it helps me learn my times tables and i'd like to get a faster time.

SSR selfie

This week I read more of the book anomorphs I read 30 more page so I read 129 pages.

It was about kids who found out who the controllers are its marcos brother and the principal chapman. So jake turns into a dog and listen to what there saying. Then at school he morph and turned into a lizard and chapman stepped on his tale.

I like this book because I learnt new words.


Group B did a range of learning activities around our body and balance.

First Mr Ogilvie talked about balancing. Balancing is using your weight to not fall over or move. The positison we did was leaning fowards a little bit, and spreeding your legs out.

Balancing is also about using your eyes so you know where they'll push you from so we looked at our feet and it made it a little bit harder for our partner to push us over.

Then we did an activity called bench we had to balance on a beam and get past the other people on the beam. 

Then we had to balance on a ball so we got into a group of 3. My partners helped so I could balance and then they let go and I balanced on the ball for a little while.

I like the ball activity but I'd like to try stand on the ball a bit longer.

Simple machine

Simple machines are what people use to make work easyer.

The simple machines are the lever, wedge, pully, inclined plane, screw, wheel and axel.

The lever is a wedge that holds up a bar to lift up objects. 

The wedge is two inclined planes that goes in something like a rock and use a hammer to brake it open. 

The pully is a rope on a tree and theres a board attached to the rope and people pull the other side and it lifts the object up. 

The inclined plane is a wedge you can walk over. 

The screw is used to hold up objects.

The wheel and axel is used to push objects along.

These simple machines are useful to get work done.

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Te reo Maori

This week I learnt how to ask class room questions.

The question we learnt where kua marama that means do you understand, and kua mutu means your finished or it means are you finished. 

I like these questions because I can ask Mr Wong and Mr Ogilvie these new questions.

L.I to learn class room questions.


Today we learnt to tell the time.

First I started by reading the hour hand wich was just going to 1 and the minute hand was going to the 8 the time was 12:39, or the other time could be thirty nine minute past twelve.

I thought I was challenging to figure out how to read the time.