Wednesday, 14 April 2021

SSR selfie

This week I did SSR selfie I read 30 pages of animorphs.

It was about kid going outer space and getting powers they got morphing powers then the controllers try to steal their powers so they more powerful.

I like this book because I learnt new words.

Basic fact boxes

This week I did multiplication on basic facts boxes.

I got 87 out of 90 answers correct , I finished under 6 minustes and 12 seconds but I think I can do better. Next time im going to do division.

I like my times tables because it helps me learn my times tables and i'd like to get a better time.


 Teamwork is a term to describe a group of people working together to achieve a goal.

Teamwork consists of three main mechanisms. 

Communication is talking to each other and saying what your doing. For exmaple playing a game and they pass the ball say thier name so they know the ball being passed to them.

Cooperation is letting everyone join in and play the game and know one misses out and everyone gets a turn. For example in dogeball you all work together and follow one plan.

Collaboration is working together to defeat the other team. In dogeball collaboration is achiveing something as a team. This could be shown by aiming for one team only.

(This video shows the mechanism of communication)

(This video shows the mechanisms of cooperation)

(This video shows the mechanisms of collaboration)

To be succseful as a team all three mechanisms need to be implemented throughout the activity.

Teamwork | HPE

Teamwork is a term to describe a group of people working together to achieve a goal.

Teamwork consists of three main mechanisms. 

Communication is talking to each other and saying what your doing. For exmaple playing a game and they pass the ball say thier name so they know the ball being passed to them.

Cooperation is letting everyone join in and play the game and know one misses out and everyone gets a turn. For example in dogeball you all work together and follow one plan.

Collaboration is working together to defeat the other team. In dogeball collaboration is achiveing something as a team. This could be shown by aiming for one team only.

To be succseful as a team all three mechanisms need to be implemented throughout the activity.


Making connections

Making connections is joining information to make deeper understandings.

Text to self is where people connect the text to there own experiences: For example The Duck gave water to the horse, I was tired so my older brother got me water.

Text to text connections are when people compare the text they are reading to other similar texts. These texts could be book or visual texts such as a movie or TV programme: For example the Duck leads the Rat to the cave, In little red riding hood she take muffins to her grandma and a wolf tries to eat her. 

Text to world is when people connect what they are reading to things that really happens in the outside world: For example the Duck returned the food to the villagers, many people in the world if they lose money or food people return it.

Connections help the reader to understand what the book is about.

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Marc Duffy

Marc duffy is a inspirational duffy role modle.

Marc learnt to read in prison, he got his school certificate and diploma in business. He is New zealand boxing lightweight champion. 

Marc worked for Bunnings fitting out their stores. Now he manages the largest store in New Zealand which is in Hamilton. 

Marc learnt the trade of a builder and owned his own business. He went back to university to be come a counceller.
Marc duffy is an inspirational person who shared his story with diffrent schools.

Monday, 12 April 2021


Multiplication is a fast way of addding the same number many times. The three, four, and six times tables are examples of multiplication.

The three times tabels are multipliying three by a number of groups. The four times tables are multipliying four by a number of groups. The six times tables are multipliying six by a number of groups.

The times tables are an easy way to remember basic multiplication equations The next times tables to learn are the sevens, eights, and nine times tabels.

Friday, 9 April 2021

Public vs private information

Private information is kept to your self like a secret and you dont want anyone to know about. Public information can be shared with others on social meadia. 

Private information shouldn't be shared on social media for example: your personal address, or your account details.

Public information can be shared on social media for example: pictures of harmless thing, or liking puppy videos. 

If private information is shared with friends it can be shared with others, brocasted, stolen, or posted permanently.

Thursday, 8 April 2021

Charecter trait

Inferring is to deduce information using clues and reasoning.

Inferring uses adjectives for example: Brave, helpful, clever, happy, confident. The speakers were confident.

The charecter in the book is the duck, the rat, the horse.

An adjective tells you more about a noun for example: the big dog is hungry.

Inferring is important because you can use clues and reasoning to find a better understanding about a charecter.

Wednesday, 7 April 2021


Multiplication is a fast way of addding the same number many times. The two, five, and ten times tables are examples of multiplication.

The two times tabels are multipliying two by a number of groups. The five times tables are multipliying five by a number of groups. The ten times tables are multipliying ten by a number of groups.

The times tables are an easy way to remember basic multiplication equations The next times tables to learn are the three, four, and six times tabels.

Thursday, 1 April 2021

Fact or Opinion

I did a task called fact or opinion.

First I listened to a story called the highway rat. This story is about the highway rat he steals travellers food and he stole this ducks cupcake. So she tricked him and made him think she has a sister with a lot of junk food in the top of a cave. 

Then we chose if we were doing the duck or the horse for fact or opinion. A fact is information that is real, an opinion is something that is true in your own words.

We had to write the opinion of why the character acted that way.

Finally we wrote 5 adjectives to describe the traits.

I liked using adjectives but it took me a while to figure out what they meant or how to use them properly.


This week I did multiplication. Multiplication is a faster way to add the same number many times

First my group and I counted  a big amount of counters of unknown amounts.

Next my group and I counted them in 10 then we split that big group into small groups of 10.

I used multiplication to find out the unknown amount which is, 70 as 7 groups of 10 equals 70.

I liked this activity because it helped me learn what multiplication is.